Contact Lenses

Is your vision with your current contacts not as clear at all distances as it was before? Are you having difficulty reading smaller or fine print or seeing in dim or low light? Are you finding yourself holding objects further away to see them clearly? Are your eyes feeling more tired and dry lately? Now with, MULTIFOCAL contact lenses, the next generation in contacts, you may be able to stay in lenses longer, without compromising vision or comfort. MULTIFOCAL contact lenses feature the unique optical design of STEREO PRECISION TECHNOLOGY™ and the exceptional comfort of HYDRACLEAR® Plus technology.

The result is balanced vision near, far and in-between, across variable lighting conditions, along with remarkable comfort—even in challenging environments that can make your eyes feel tired and dry. Whether you’re reading, driving or working on a computer, you can enjoy crisp, clear vision with MULTIFOCAL contact lenses even if approaching 40 or over. They’re designed with TriComfort™ Technology to provide breath-ability and moisture retention, while resisting deposit buildup. At last, a lens that provides a smooth transition as your eyes move naturally from one focal distance to another—near, intermediate, and far. Ask your eye doctor if MULTIFOCAL contact lenses are right for you.
Soft Contact Lenses:
Soft contact lenses are the most commonly prescribed due to the fact that they are extremely comfortable. Soft contacts are now available for patients with astigmatism and dry eyes and can now even change the color of your eyes. Soft contact lenses include:
- Daily Wear: These can be worn up to 12 hours but must be removed and cleaned at night
- Extended Wear: These can be worn on a more flexible schedule than daily wear
- Disposable: These are meant to be worn for a short time and then discarded
- Color-Changing: These can change the color of your eyes even if vision correction is not needed
Hard Contact Lenses:
Also called rigid or gas-permeable lenses, hard contact lenses offer sharper vision and can correct nearsightedness or astigmatism.
Contact Lens Exam:
Thanks to the advances in optical technology, almost everyone is a candidate for contact lens use. This includes patients with astigmatism and also those who prefer bifocal or multifocal lenses. At Metrovision, we offer all types and brands of contact lenses specifically fitted for each individual’s needs. It is very important that your lenses are fitted correctly based on your prescription, eye shape and specific needs.