Then & Now: Classic Bold Frames

At Metrovision Optical Boutique we see trends in eyewear come and go and often come again. And while we’ll always offer a wide selection of what’s in right now, we often stress that some of our favorite classic frames never go out of style.
So what’s in at the moment? Bold is today!
Think of the iconic frames worn by the likes of Buddy Holly and James Dean. Think of Clark Kent, who’s not even a real person, but looks pretty super and unassuming in his frames. These frames evoke a sense of seriousness mixed with fun, intelligence with a sense style. They’re brave enough to say, “I’m a little bit nerdy and proud of it.” Now that’s a bold statement!
One current brand that we carry at Metrovision Optical Boutique is Celine (not to be confused in any way, shape or form with Dion). She’s a designer, not a singer. Her line is very bold. They advertise, “I like to wear eyeglasses.” A who’s who of Hollywood stars have all been photographed wearing Celine Eyeglass frames. You’ve probably seen them and haven’t even known it!
Individuals who need to wear glasses and are fashion forward will place a pair of glasses on their face and accentuate their features. Contrary to popular belief, nobody looks bad in glasses…that is, if they pick the correct frame. For those who needs to wear glasses, choosing the correct color and frame shape will make all the difference in the world. Where do people look first and most often? Your face, of course! So you’ll want to pick a pair just like you would a suit or a great pair of jeans, they need to be almost perfect. And whatever style you’re looking for, bold or otherwise, Metrovision Optical Boutique will be able to help you find them. Schedule an appointment with us today!